We all know how it feels to return home from a great vacation wishing you could go back more regularly. It’s not uncommon to dream of buying your own vacation home in a location that has provided your family with great pleasure. Given today’s market conditions and dropping home values, this dream is within reach for more buyers. Deciding what type of home to buy is one thing, but finding the location which gets you the most bang for your buck is another dilemma entirely.

While many of us would love to own a home in Napa Valley, Aspen or Martha’s Vineyard, median home prices in these areas make this impossible for the average vacation homebuyer. And it’s not just location; atmosphere is key, with many consumers hoping to purchase vacation homes for long-term investment that will eventually serve as retirement havens.

These alternatives offer affordability, long-term investment potential and plenty of opportunities for amusement.

Click the number below to see all the dream vacation spots and their alternatives.

(Some content courtesy of ERA Real Estate)[ad#in_content_500]