More than 200,000 unique visitors stop by each month. As far as we can tell, they’re interested in top-quality mortgage, real estate and consumer finance information. If you’ve got a product that meets their needs, our visitors will be interested in hearing about it.

Web site Advertising Prices

We currently offer two types of advertisements:

Run-of-Topic Web site Advertising – These ads appear in every article for a given topic (excluding real estate, personal finance and consumer advice). If you are a large insurance company, for example, you might want to purchase a run-of-topic ad for our insurance topic. Once you purchase your ad, every single insurance article we post to the site will include your advertisement at the top. These ads are very affordable and offer a perfectly targeted demographic – consumers in dire need of personal finance and real estate products and services. A run-of-topic ad costs only $300 per month, with prepayment required and a minimum commitment of three months. An ad on real estate, personal finance or consumer advice pages costs $1,000 per month (with prepayment and a minimum commitment of three months).

Run-of-Site Web site Advertising – Want to maximize your visibility? Sponsor the entire site. You’ll get a high-visibility sponsor ad on the top right of just about every page on our site. This ad block costs $3,000 per month, with prepayment required and a minimum commitment of three months.

We prefer to work with well-know, high-stature established advertisers. We reserve the right to accept or reject any advertising requests.

If you’re interested in advertising on, please email