How Much Did Americans Spend on Groceries During COVID-19?
How much did Americans spend on groceries during COVID-19? The average weekly grocery bill increased by nearly 20 percent in 2020. In the early days of COVID-19, grocery store aisles were emptied of pasta, canned vegetables and toilet paper as Americans hunkered down for quarantine. In fact, our publisher, Ilyce Glink, just dug into a [...]
What to Know About Transferring Property to Beneficiaries
What to know about transferring property to beneficiaries. This reader wants to know if it’s better to transfer the title or go through probate. Q: I’ve enjoyed reading your recent article in our local newspaper on the differences between using a will and a quitclaim deed in order to pass property to heirs or family [...]
Managing Your Personal Finances During COVID-19
Managing your personal finances during COVID-19. How those who are struggling can utilize COVID-19 relief programs and prioritize bill payments. The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic is putting an unprecedented strain on Americans’ finances. Half of those who were laid off due to COVID-19 remain unemployed and most workers who lost wages are still [...]
Does a Quitclaim Deed Override a Will?
Does a quitclaim deed override a will? This reader wants to know which document is used to determine who inherits the property of a friend who passed. Q: My friend filled out a will before she married her last husband. She owned a house and when she married she did a quitclaim deed with her [...]
COVID-19: Unemployment and the Mounting Financial Crisis
COVID-19: unemployment and the mounting financial crisis. Understanding how people live paycheck-to-paycheck and the implications of extended unemployment. Q: In your recent column in the Washington Post, it was stated that “nearly 80 percent of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic…” I want to know how do you define living paycheck-to-paycheck when [...]
How Can You Help Better Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft
How can you help better protect yourself against identity theft? The Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has presented new opportunities for identity thieves and other bad actors to use the stress of the current environment to their advantage. With no concern for your financial well-being, thieves can use stolen information to run up balances on credit cards or [...]