Buying a new or used automobile is a big purchase. You want to make sure that you receive the best price, get good financing terms, and get the best car and features for you. Keep in mind safety, fuel efficiency, affordability and style when purchasing a new or used automobile. Take a look at the blog, videos, radio show and articles for more automobile advice, information and reviews.
How Big Should My Car Down Payment Be?
When you’re saving money to buy a car, it can be difficult to figure out exactly how much to budget for a down payment. If you don’t make a down payment at all, or if you make only a small one, you may have a longer loan term and higher interest than you would have [...]
Should I Buy an Extended Warranty on a Used Car?
One of the problems with buying a used car is that it has been driven before, so you have no idea whether or not you will be surprised with a costly repair bill. If you have a tight household budget and are concerned about the expenses related to repairing a used car, an extended warranty [...]
Should I Buy or Lease a Car?
One of the questions many people ask when it comes to cars is “What is better: buying or leasing?” The answer depends on a number of factors. When you lease a car, you get the use of it for a mere 24 months or so. Then, you turn it back in and get another. Although [...]
Four Factors That May Help You Get Auto Insurance Discounts
The cost of driving doesn’t come cheap. When you tack on the price of gas—now at more than $3 per gallon—and auto insurance, it may seem more appealing to commute via horse and buggy. But if you are shopping around for auto insurance or thinking about updating your current policy, you could save big bucks [...]
Car Sales, Auto Loans Climb as Lending Standards Loosen
Whether due to the sluggish economy or anxiety over job security, many consumers have been putting off large purchases. But as stock and home prices have started to recover and unemployment has continued to improve in a baby-step fashion, these same consumers are spending again. Many consumers are now looking to purchase new vehicles to [...]
Buying a Car While Refinancing Home
Buying a car while refinancing your home can cause some problems if you don't have a lot of cash available. Q: Is it ok to buy a car while I am refinancing my home if I am paying cash for the car? A: If you don't take out a loan for the car and you [...]
Mileage-based Car Insurance: A Bonus for Teen Drivers and Their Families
Many well-meaning parents simply add their teen drivers to their existing insurance policy. The parents then focus more on driving lessons for their teens than on insurance alternatives. But given young drivers’ learning curve, families may want to find a mileage-based policy that offers savings, solid coverage, and the ability to improve their children’s road skills, [...]
Eight Ways to Save Money On Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is one of those expenses that goes up every year - unless you shop around for a deal or take advantage of bundling services. When you first took out your auto insurance policy, you probably evaluated your needs, shopped around for the best rate and checked for discounts. But have you done any [...]
Insurance Policy Tip: Safe Driving for the Winter
In the winter, freezing temperatures and roads coated with salt can wreak havoc on your car, nevermind icy windshields, dead batteries, and cars that won’t start. Safe driving in all weather conditions can help you avoid car accidents and claims on your auto insurance policy, and some simple car maintenance and an emergency kit can [...]