Buying a new or used automobile is a big purchase. You want to make sure that you receive the best price, get good financing terms, and get the best car and features for you. Keep in mind safety, fuel efficiency, affordability and style when purchasing a new or used automobile. Take a look at the blog, videos, radio show and articles for more automobile advice, information and reviews.
Sell Or Keep Problematic Car?
Is it better to keep and fix a problem automobile or sell it off? With a high-interest car loan, there are other steps you can take to deal with the automobile's problems without taking on more debt. And it might be worth seeing if the automobile falls under your state's lemon laws.
Looking To Buy And Finance A Car
The Internet is a great resource if your looking to buy and finance a car. First, you have to decide what kind of automobile you want to buy. There are several websites that will lead you to the automobile that fits your needs.
The Lemon Law Bible: Everything the Smart Consumer Needs to Know About Automobile Law
Steve Lehto is an attorney in Michigan whose practice focuses solely on Lemon Law and Consumer Protection claims. He is the past chair of the Consumer...