The credit crisis is making financial matters difficult for everyone. Foreclosure and unemployment rates are on the rise, banks are failing and lenders are requiring stricter guidelines and more documentation. Come here for updates on the credit crisis and advice for what you can do to improve your financial situation.
Real Estate Market Bubble Survey Summary
During the height of the real estate boom, a majority of respondents to the Real Estate Bubble Survey agreed with that the bubble was a fact. Learn what people thought would be the effect on the economy when the real estate market bubble burst and also when people expected the real estate market bubble to work.
Real Estate Market Bubble Comments From Believers
Real estate experts can debate whether housing prices are overvalued until they turn blue in the face. In the end, their opinions are less important than your opinion. Our Real Estate Bubble Survey gathered consumer opinions on the housing bubble, and we've posted some of the free form comments below.
Buying A Home In Real Estate Market Bubble
When the real estate market is booming and home prices are high, you may be wondering whether it's a good time to buy a home. Are homes including condominiums overpriced in a real estate market bubble? And what can you do to protect yourself when you're buying a home in a real estate market bubble?
Buying A Home During Real Estate Market Bubble
What should you do when you buy a home at the height of a real estate bubble? Should you try to rent out your other property or sell it? And what effect does not having a spouse's name on a title have on the capital gains tax you pay upon sale? Is it a good idea to take the money you receive as income from your rental property and use it toward the mortgage for your primary residence?