Credit scores, on the scale assigned by FICO, range from 300 to 850. Who has an 850 credit score and what can you do to get one? Less than 1 percent of the population has a credit score above 800, so it’s very unlikely you will have an 850 credit score. However, if your credit score is above 720, you will probably still receive the best rates. Watch more credit and identity theft videos from Expert Real Estate Tips to learn how to raise your credit score.
Who Has An 850 Credit Score And How Do You Get One? [Video]
FICO of 807, 814, & 822. Still have 1-2 too many open accounts for a 850. Getting there!
Just got an 836 Kickin’ it.
But some say that a good credit scores only shows that youj know how to pay interest!!!!!!!!!! Think about it.
I have a score of 822 and pay No interest. I use mainly one credit card and pay it off when it comes in. The other cards are used when the store offers something special during a sale if their card is used, but i pay it don’t have to pay interest.
@John that may be true, if you look at it that way, but if you have no credit how do you survive? very few people have the cash on hand to back up their lifestyle. If you have a poor credit score no one wants to deal with you. You can’t get an apartment, won’t get some jobs, can’t get a loan. Which would you rather be? A low score-having type that gets shut out of a lot things or someone with a decnt or great score that shows you are worthy of trust.
I have any 850 credit score and I’ve never paid interest on a credit card and I use a credit card for 99% of all my purchases. I just pay in full every month.
Surprisingly, I recently checked my score and I’m at 850 and I basically pay my purchases off in full every month. I was 750 two months ago and recently applied for a loan for home purchase which was approved. I’m not sure of this had anything to do with the jump.
Sometimes when I check my Fico credit score it is 836 and then for the next couple of months it will be 850 and then back to 836 again. But I don’t pay any interest. I am fortunate that I can actually pay any charged amount within a few days. I like to stay on top of it so that it doesn’t add up too high..I have 5 credit cards (but regularly only use two of them), a mortage, but no car payment (just keeping my 15 year old car until the wheels fall off). I finally paid off my student loans a few years ago. I used to have a low credit score, it took years but I was determined to raise it. I empathize with people who are struggling financially because that used to be my situation. Luckily I persisted in finding work that paid better. It is difficult to raise your credit score if you just aren’t making enough money to cover expenses. Get creative and keep asking the Universe to guide you to work you will be passionate about, because that is when you will find your pot of gold 🙂
I’ve worked very hard to maintain a score 837 to 850 for the last 2 years. I am very disciplined with spending and always pay my cards off every month. its my belief the best way to achieve the elusive 850 it to focus on online bill pay, rotate use of each credit card you have every few months. always pay balances down to 0 every month, and don’t waste money on foolish things you don’t need. I wish I could help people understand credit is your life line and your future.
I have a FICO score of 836 but I don’t really need it because I don’t borrow money
And, of course that’s always how it is, right?
Thanks for your comment,
Ilyce Glink, Publisher
My husband and I both received notices that we have 850 credit score. From the replies on this thread it looks like it isn’t as unusual as some say.
It’s still pretty unusual, unless you’re looking at a different sort of score, where 850 might be a B instead of a Grade A.
Thanks for the comment.
Ilyce Glink, Publisher
Just got an email a few days back saying my FICO score changed. I checked it and it is now 850.
Good for you! Congrats.