Health issues are a hot topic as health care costs have increased over time. Whether you have health insurance or not, you are affected by the rise in health care costs and need to understand how to plan your finances around medical and health care issues. Drug and annual medical expenses are a large component of health care costs, but you must also consider hospitalization and other costs associated with aging that affect your financial health. As health issues become more important with an aging population, the issue of “health” involves medical choices, health insurance choices, hospital issues and choices, doctor selection issues, long term care costs, choices and issues.
Healthcare System Concerns Heightened During COVID-19 Pandemic
Healthcare system concerns heightened during COVID-19 Pandemic. Americans share how they feel about healthcare during COVID-19 in a new survey. It’s no secret that the U.S. healthcare system is broken and the COVID-19 pandemic has only heightened Americans’ concerns about rising costs. The majority (60 percent) of Americans rated the U.S. healthcare system as “poor” [...]
What Can I Do If My Building Isn’t Following Local COVID-19 Rules?
What can I do if my building isn’t following local COVID-19 rules? What you can do about it and how to keep yourself safe. Q: Our city maintains a list of states that have high COVID-19 cases and requires local residents or visitors to quarantine for two weeks after traveling to these states. One of [...]
COVID-19 Pandemic: How Can You Enforce a Quarantine?
COVID-19 Pandemic: how can you enforce a quarantine? This reader wants to know how travel quarantines can be enforced in a 55+ condo development. Q: We live in Florida in a 55+ condominium development in Florida. Our question is whether residents who visit out-of-state folks need to quarantine themselves upon return. And, what about residents [...]
Is Summer Canceled Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Is summer canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic? Not exactly, but some summer events and activities can’t happen while social distancing is in effect. This summer, things are going to be a bit different. The coronavirus pandemic and the social distancing efforts to limit its spread mean that summertime events that draw big crowds are [...]
Moving During the Coronavirus Pandemic: What You Need to Know
Moving during the coronavirus pandemic: what you need to know. Steps for safely planning your move to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Moving during the coronavirus pandemic when most neighborhoods are practicing social distancing is tricky, but it can be done if you take proper precautions to reduce the risk of exposing yourself [...]
Coronavirus 2020: Stay Home Orders Extended For Some States
Coronavirus 2020: Stay home orders extended for some states. What to know about the extensions and our advice on how to stay positive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As of April 30, 2020, stay home orders were extended into May in several large states, including Illinois, California, Hawaii, New Jersey, Nevada and Michigan. But other states [...]
Coronavirus 2020: Will Pools Open This Summer?
Coronavirus 2020: Will pools open this summer? Social distancing regulations could make it difficult for pools to operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Q: Our 100-unit condominium has a small private locked outdoor pool that usually opens from Memorial Day to Labor Day. With COVID-19, what do we do this year? Should we open the [...]
Coronavirus Relief: CARES Act 2020
Coronavirus relief: CARES Act 2020. How the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill will help both families and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of Coronavirus/COVID-19 cases in the U.S. continues to spike as more tests become available and states improve reporting procedures. In our coverage of the Coronavirus, we’ve watched the cases skyrocket from [...]
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: What You Need to Know
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: what you need to know. The new bill provides paid sick leave, free coronavirus testing and more for Americans. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed into law on Wednesday, March 18th. It provides paid sick leave, free coronavirus testing, expands food assistance and unemployment benefits for Americans, [...]
Could Increasingly High Drug Prices Kill You?
A recent article from Managed Care magazine shows that many Americans are struggling to keep up with the high price of prescription drugs. Deciding whether you can afford to buy something you want, like a new dress or phone upgrade, can seem like a tough decision, especially if it is just out of your financial [...]