Having cash can be helpful to put down a larger down payment, pay everyday expenses, or satisfy debt. Learn more about investment options for your cash, what you can do with more cash, and what your cash means on this page.
Avoid PMI By Getting A Piggy Back Loan
Sometimes new home buyers do not have 20 percent of the purchase price for the down payment. First time home buyers often have to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI). A piggy back loan can help first time home buyers or anyone who is short of cash for a down payment.
Infrastructure Bill — Would It Really Help?
On yesterday's show, I discussed my support for the federal government putting through a big infrastructure bill, such as the one that was announced i...
Infrastructure Bill — Would It Really Help?
On yesterday's show, I discussed my support for the federal government putting through a big infrastructure bill, such as the one that was announced i...
Pay Estate Tax with Mortgage Loan
In settling an estate, the administrators have to pay any taxes due, if the estate has a large enough monetary value per the IRS requirements. In some cases, the estate will have enough cash on hand to pay the taxes due. An estate administrator asks about paying taxes on a $5 million estate. The estate lacks the money to pay the taxes but the administrator wants to take out a mortgage on a $2 million property that's part of the estate.Chances are good that a bank would grant a mortgage loan on such a property and that the administrator should look for a bank with an interest in the property's location.
Investment Property Cash Out Refinance
A real estate investor asks about doing a cash out refinance of his investment property. Taking cash out during a refinance has become more difficult, especially for investment properties. What can the real estate investor do to access the equity in his investment property?
Today On The Ilyce Glink Show August 10, 2008
There's a lot to talk about on Today's Show. CDs Are Looking Like A Better Deal Interest rates are starting to rise, which means that CDs are lookin...
Consumer Bankruptcy Filings Increase By 48 Percent In One Year
While in grad school, I covered the bankruptcy beat for about six months. It was during the time when there was excess liquidity, or cash, in most mar...
Real Estate Agent Should Return Down Payment Money
After a home sale falls through, a buyer asks about getting earnest money back from a real estate agency. The real estate agency cashed the earnest money check. What can the buyer do to get her earnest money back?
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – May 11, 2008
Today on the Ilyce Glink Show, Ilyce talks about money lessons her mother taught her and the gift she and her sister bought her mom. Ilyce answers questions about cashing in savings bonds and how younger buyers want smaller homes than Baby Boomers. Another caller talks about growing up in a large family. Don't forget to sign up for her new newsletter at www.thinkglink.com. The Forum is still down, so look for the show notes at her blog: www.thinkglink.com/blog and check out the videos at www.expertrealestatetips.net. And be sure to subscribe to her YouTube channel.
Back In The Saddle Sunday Morning
I've been out sick all week with bronchitis, but I'll be back on the radio this Sunday morning on WSB. We'll be talking about the new consumer sentime...