The average American has more than $9,000 in credit card debt. While having a credit card isn’t a bad thing, letting credit card debt pile up over time can place an enormous strain on your finances. Take a look at the articles, Q&A’s, blog posts and videos we have linked to this topic for ideas on how to handle credit card debt and your personal finances.
Will Closing Credit Cards Hurt My Credit Score?
Will Closing Credit Cards Hurt My Credit Score? Q: I am looking to buy a home in the near future. I recently heard that my credit card with a big box discount store would come to an end. I signed up for a credit card with the big box store years ago to get a [...]
Debt: How One Bad Move Can Wreck Your Financial Life
Debt: How One Bad Move Can Wreck Your Financial Life Q: Thanks for your Love, Money + Real Estate financial newsletters. You helped me back in 2008 when the Great Recession hit and I was able to save my townhouse from foreclosure. Fast forward. I moved to Sonoma County, California about 10 years ago. I [...]
VIDEO: How Can You Help Better Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft?
In a 5-part series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need to know about your credit reports and scores. Create a myEquifax account (at to receive six free Equifax credit reports every 12 months. Watch [...]
4 Ways to Prepare for a Recession
4 ways to prepare for a recession. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic points to signs of a global recession and now is the best time to prepare your finances. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused financial stress to go through the roof, with all signs pointing to the start of a deep, prolonged global recession. The [...]
Credit 101: Are All Credit Scores the Same?
One of the most common credit misconceptions is that every individual has a single, unique credit score. However, if you’ve been following past articles in our Credit 101 series, you already know that isn’t the case. What’s the purpose of multiple, different credit scores? And why do credit scores often vary from one source to [...]
VIDEO: How Are Credit Scores Calculated?
In a 5-part series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need to know about your credit reports and scores. Create a myEquifax account (at to receive six free Equifax credit reports every 12 months. Watch [...]
Credit 101: Ilyce Glink on WGN Radio 2/24/20
As we move into 2020, credit continues to be a buzzword for consumers, but many people are unsure what part credit plays in their personal finances. In a new 5-part series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need [...]
Credit 101: How Are Credit Scores Calculated?
As we move into 2020, credit continues to be a buzzword for consumers, but many people are unsure what part credit plays in their personal finances. In a new 5-part series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important [...]
Ilyce Glink Discusses New Credit 101 Series
As we move into 2020, credit continues to be a buzzword for consumers, but many people are unsure what part credit plays in their personal finances. In a new 5-part series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need [...]