A credit report will include credit accounts, public records, credit inquiries and any statements of dispute. You should check your credit history at least once a year to keep tabs on your finances and make sure no one has stolen your identity. Everyone is entitled to one free report a year from each of the three credit reporting agencies. (You can get your free credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com.) Learn more about what your credit report says about you.
How Refinancing Your Mortgage Impacts Your Credit Score
Refinancing your mortgage can be a way to change your loan terms. If you refinance, you may be able to get a better interest rate or shorten the length of your loan, which can potentially save you money over time. With mortgage interest rates hovering around 4 percent, your savings from refinancing may be significant—especially [...]
How to Help Prevent Tax Identity Theft
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is kicking off 2015 with Tax Identity Theft Awareness week, January 26 to 30. The purpose of this week is to educate people about identity theft—which could be anyone with a Social Security number (SSN). More than 1.6 million people were affected by tax identity theft in 2013. The IRS [...]
How Pulling Your Credit Report Impacts Your Credit Score, and Other Credit Score Facts
Accessing or “pulling” your credit report allows you to review your credit behavior. You can see what lenders are reporting about you while you monitor your payment history. Checking your credit report should be a regular part of your routine financial behavior, similarly to reviewing your bank statements or creating a budget. Some consumers are [...]
Check Your Credit Score Before Shopping for a Mortgage
It’s selling season and buyers are excited to take advantage of the incredible low interest rates out there. But before you start shopping for a mortgage, you should check your credit score. You need to know where your credit stands to be able to work towards the house of your dreams. FICO credit scores start at 300 [...]
Money Management: Creating a Shared Budget with a Partner
When you decide to share your life with someone, there’s a lot to get used to. However, there are few things that upset your life more than the disagreements that can come along with money management. Whether you decide to combine finances or keep things separate, it’s smart to come up with a shared household [...]
Four Rules For a Home Run Refinance
Mortgage interest rates are rising. But it's not too late to refinance your mortgage and hit a home run while you do it. While interest rates aren't quite at rock bottom, it's still a great time to refinance. If you have the ability to refinance, do it. Even if you have already refinanced, if you can [...]
Why Mortgage Lenders Pull Your Credit History Twice
Last year, I found myself shopping at a major retailer. The store was having a great sale, and I found a fair number of clothes that fit me, all at an excellent price. When I was checking out, the cashier offered me a big discount if I opened up a major credit card co-branded with [...]
Accountant Steals Refund Checks
A tax filer has an accountant "friend" who filed tax returns but had the money deposited into his account. The accountant is likely guilty of fraud for stealing the tax returns. The filer should contact the IRS immediately and learn to file their own taxes for the future.