A budget is one way to consistently manage your money. A budget usually allocates a certain amount of money to each of your expenses such as rent, student loans, car loans, mortgage loans and credit card debt. Learn tips to create an effective budget and what to include in a budget as well as when it’s appropriate to start children on a budget.
5 Easy Grilling Ideas to Save Money on Your Next Cookout
Five easy grilling ideas to save money on your next cookout. You can host a great barbecue this summer even if you're on a budget. Grilling for a cookout full of loved ones is one of my favorite summer traditions. It’s a great time to catch up, watch the kids play and bask in the [...]
Buyers Remorse: Is It a Bargain or a Bad Idea?
Buyer’s Remorse: Is it a bargain or a bad idea? Sponsored posts from influencers and ads in social media streams motivate Americans to buy into the hype. It’s the time of year when cash and credit fly around freely. But, it’s also the season of buyers remorse. It probably won’t surprise you to learn that [...]
How to Save More Money in the Country’s 5 Most Expensive Cities
It’s hard to find ways to save more money, and living in one the country’s most expensive cities makes that goal even more difficult. The good news? I’ve got three tips that can help you save more money without having to pack up and flee the neighborhood. Last month, a GoBankingRates study looked at the [...]
7 Quick and Easy Ways to Save More Money in 1 Hour
Everyone could use some money help, but it seems like there’s never enough time to get started. But what if you could save more money each month and learn how to budget in just one hour? In honor of Money Smart Week, I’ve compiled 7 quick and easy ways to save more money in just [...]
How Money Stress Could Lead to Divorce
Studies have shown time and time again that money stress is bad for marriages and can sometimes even lead to divorce. Last month, in honor of Valentine's Day, Reuters Money got a bunch of financial experts together for a Love and Money Twitter chat aimed at helping couples work through their dollar-based differences and keep their [...]
New Year’s Financial Resolutions
Saving money is always a popular New Year's resolution, especially after spending so much during the holidays. It feels so good to give, but after the holidays are over, it’s time to rein in your spending and set some new financial goals. I always make some New Year’s financial resolutions, and then at the end [...]
How to Build a Black Friday, Holiday Shopping Budget Plan
The holiday shopping season is upon us, and it’s the time of year when your budget (and your pantry) is most strained. But you can limit the damage by building a Black Friday/holiday shopping budget plan. You’ll need to keep your gift list tight and decide in advance how much you’ll spend on each person. [...]
Before You Retire: 30 Days Away
Retirement is just 30 days away. You’ve reached the final stretch of days before retirement, and while your years of financially saving and mentally preparing are about to pay off, a few areas might still need your attention before you ride off into the sunset. To help prevent your retirement activities from derailing your budget, [...]