Your credit score defines you financially. Establishing and maintaining good credit will make your life infinitely easier. To establish a good credit score you must make your payments on time and in full every month. You can also improve your credit score by minimizing your debt. Learn more here about your credit score and what it means for you.
Ilyce Glink Discusses New Credit 101 Series
As we move into 2020, credit continues to be a buzzword for consumers, but many people are unsure what part credit plays in their personal finances. In a new 5-part series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need [...]
Credit 101: What’s in Your Credit Report?
Post pandemic, credit continues to be a buzzword for consumers, but many people are unsure what part credit plays in their personal finances. In a new series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need to know about your [...]
How Do You Deal with Money in a Relationship?
How do you deal with money in a relationship? Money causes stress in most romantic relationships, but to build a future couples need to talk about finances. Sign up for Ilyce Glink's Love, Money + Real Estate newsletter. This story was updated December 1, 2021 When should you tell a romantic partner how much money [...]
How to Take Out a Loan on an Inherited Home
If you want to take out a loan on an inherited home, finding the right lender and knowing your credit score can start you off on the right path. Q: My grandparents passed away years ago. Then, last year, my mother passed. My grandparents owned a home and I paid a title company to complete [...]
Is Your Email Address Wrecking Your Creditworthiness?
Is your email address wrecking your creditworthiness? A recent study found that a person’s digital footprint can predict their financial behavior. Did you know your cell phone or email address can reflect your creditworthiness and might limit your ability to take out a mortgage? According to a recent study from Frankfurt School of Finance & [...]
I stopped paying my mortgage when my loan was sold. Now what?
This reader stopped paying his mortgage when his loan was sold. It’s been a few years since he made a mortgage payment and apparently has little contact with the lender. Q: My mortgage was sold to a loan processor in 2011. I got a welcome letter saying my payment was $635 when it really should [...]
Your Bankruptcy Recovery Plan
Having your bankruptcy recovery plan in place before filing will help you get back on track to rebuild your credit post-bankruptcy. This is how to get started. Q: My husband and I are going to file bankruptcy within the next 2 to 3 months on our personal accounts and our business. What is the best [...]
7 Quick and Easy Ways to Save More Money in 1 Hour
Everyone could use some money help, but it seems like there’s never enough time to get started. But what if you could save more money each month and learn how to budget in just one hour? In honor of Money Smart Week, I’ve compiled 7 quick and easy ways to save more money in just [...]