A deed is a legal document that states who owns a piece of property. We’ve got articles, blog posts, podcasts, and videos with information for your questions about who owns the property, transferring deeds and quit claim deeds.
Paying Mortgage But Not on Deed
Paying Mortgage But Not on Deed Children who purchased a home for their parents and are paying the mortgage, realized they are not on the deed. What should they do? Q: I purchased a home for my parents and was named on the mortgage along with them. But, I’m making the payments. My husband and [...]
Inherit Property by Will or Receive by Deed?
Inherit Property by Will or Receive by Deed? Is it better to inherit real estate or receive by a quit claim deed? Q: My mom has a condo in Delaware, but she and I both live in Maryland in our own separate homes. The home my mom lives in is in my sister’s name. Mom’s [...]
How Do You Check Your Deed?
How do you check your deed? How do you find your deed online? How do I check titles in Registry of Deeds? Q: In one of your recent columns, a widow asked about getting the deed to her house after her husband died. You told her to check her deed from time to time to [...]
Who Is Responsible for Recording a Deed?
Who is responsible for recording a deed? This reader wants to know how a home can be titled in the previous homeowners' names 20 years after the sale. Q: I’m writing to you regarding your column relating to when you get a tax bill for a home you no longer own. There is actually a [...]
What Are My Rights If My Name Is on a Deed?
What are my rights if my name is on a deed? My father put my name on the deed to his home but when he died his widow sold the house without me, now what? Q: Before my father died he added my name to the deed on his house which was mortgage free. He [...]
How to Fix an Error on Your Home Deed
How to fix an error on your home deed: Even if the home deed error seems minimal, spend time to correct the error quickly. Q: My deed contains an error. Instead of one of the property lines being described as running "south westerly 146 feet,” it reads "south easterly 146 feet." For purposes of selling [...]
Can a Deed Be Transferred If There Isn’t a Will?
When someone passes away without a will, it’s difficult to determine who the deed will be transferred to. Q: My aunt left me her house when she passed away but she didn't have a will and we didn't have any papers signed to state that she wanted me to have it. She told my cousin [...]